Medixsoft is delighted to announce the acquisition of Ekohi Technologies. Our new platform incorporates the latest trends, technologies, and design patterns emerging in the software industry. Stay tuned for the release of a series of exciting new products.

Planning Guide / TEKS Management

The Planning Protocol Dashboards (PPD) offer a comprehensive Planning Guide feature that allows you to create detailed guides for each cycle, whether it be a 6-week cycle or a 9-week cycle. These planning guides serve as invaluable tools to outline the curriculum and instructional plans for specific time periods within the academic year.

With PPD, you have the ability to align your planning guide with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) that will be taught to students during that particular period. PPD seamlessly integrates with the TEKS resource system, providing a direct link to easily access the TEKS standards relevant to your curriculum. This enables you to align your planning guide with the corresponding TEKS, ensuring that your instruction is in line with the state standards.

By utilizing the Planning Guide feature in PPD and linking it with the TEKS resource system, you can create cohesive and well-aligned instructional plans that effectively cover the required TEKS for each cycle, enhancing the quality and coherence of your curriculum and instruction.