Medixsoft is delighted to announce the acquisition of Ekohi Technologies. Our new platform incorporates the latest trends, technologies, and design patterns emerging in the software industry. Stay tuned for the release of a series of exciting new products.

MySchool / MyDistrict

The Planning Protocol Dashboards (PPD) offer a powerful feature called MySchool / MyDistrict, which allows schools to effectively manage different types of calendars. This feature provides a centralized platform for organizing and maintaining various calendars relevant to the school or district's operations.

PPD's MySchool / MyDistrict feature enables the management of the following types of calendars:
District Assessment Calendar

This calendar specifically focuses on scheduling and tracking district-wide assessments, including formative, summative, or benchmark assessments. It helps ensure proper planning and coordination of assessment activities across the district.

A/B Calendar

An A/B calendar is often utilized in schools that follow a rotating schedule, where students alternate between attending classes on different days. PPD allows schools to create and manage A/B calendars, providing clarity and structure for scheduling purposes.

District Calendar

The district calendar encompasses important events, holidays, professional development days, and other significant dates that pertain to the entire district. PPD enables schools to maintain and communicate the district calendar efficiently.

Progress Report and Report Card Calendar

This calendar focuses on scheduling the issuance of progress reports and report cards, ensuring timely communication of student performance and academic updates to parents and guardians.

State Assessment Calendar

The state assessment calendar is dedicated to scheduling and managing state-mandated assessments and examinations. PPD allows schools to align their internal calendars with the designated dates for state assessments.

By utilizing PPD's MySchool / MyDistrict feature, schools can effectively manage and organize these various types of calendars, promoting efficient planning, coordination, and communication across the district or school community.