Medixsoft is delighted to announce the acquisition of Ekohi Technologies. Our new platform incorporates the latest trends, technologies, and design patterns emerging in the software industry. Stay tuned for the release of a series of exciting new products.

Instructional Tool Kit

The Planning Protocol Dashboards (PPD) provide a comprehensive Instructional Tool Kit that includes a range of tools to support various instructional strategies. This Tool Kit encompasses resources for formative assessment, techniques to check for understanding, and processing activities, all aimed at enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.

Within the Instructional Tool Kit, PPD offers curated playlists specifically designed for teachers. These playlists serve as valuable resources to support instructional practices and provide guidance in different areas. Some examples of these playlists include:
Movement and Discourse Playlist

This playlist provides strategies and activities that promote movement and active participation in the classroom, along with fostering meaningful discourse and collaborative discussions.

Rehearsal and Practice Playlist

This playlist offers techniques and resources to help students practice and reinforce their learning through rehearsal, repetition, and targeted exercises.

Extending Thinking Playlist

This playlist focuses on activities and strategies that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and higher-order cognitive skills, challenging students to extend their thinking beyond basic concepts.

Learning from Mistakes Playlist

This playlist emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and provides strategies to help students reflect on and learn from their errors, fostering a growth mindset and resilience in the learning process.

Evidence of Learning Playlist

This playlist offers tools and techniques to assess and gather evidence of student learning, enabling teachers to effectively monitor progress and adjust instruction accordingly.

By utilizing the Instructional Tool Kit and leveraging the playlists within PPD, teachers can access a variety of resources and strategies to enhance their instructional practices, promote active learning, and support student engagement and achievement.