Medixsoft is delighted to announce the acquisition of Ekohi Technologies. Our new platform incorporates the latest trends, technologies, and design patterns emerging in the software industry. Stay tuned for the release of a series of exciting new products.

Media Center

Media Center, developed by eKohi Technologies, is a product that functions similarly to an in-house YouTube channel, providing a platform for sharing videos without the distractions of advertisements and commercial content that users typically encounter on popular video hosting platforms like YouTube.

The Media Center allows for the storage and sharing of videos locally, making it ideal for eLearning purposes or other internal video content needs. By utilizing the Media Center, users can access and view videos without being subjected to unrelated advertisements or commercial interruptions.

To enhance organization and ease of navigation, the Media Center offers the ability to group videos into custom categories. This feature allows for better organization and categorization of videos based on specific themes, topics, or purposes, ensuring that users can quickly locate the desired content.

Furthermore, the Media Center enables the addition of tags to videos. Tags act as metadata descriptors that provide additional context to the videos. Users can add relevant tags to videos, making it easier for others to search for specific content using these tags. This enhances the searchability of the videos within the Media Center, facilitating efficient content discovery.

In addition, the Media Center provides the flexibility to mark videos as inactive. This feature allows administrators or content managers to deactivate specific videos temporarily or permanently, ensuring that outdated or no longer relevant content does not appear in search results or confuse users.

Overall, eKohi Technologies' Media Center offers a user-friendly and distraction-free platform for storing, sharing, and organizing videos internally. It provides a seamless video viewing experience without unwanted advertisements, offers custom categorization and tagging for improved organization and searchability, and allows for the management of video activity status, ensuring relevant and up-to-date content is readily accessible.